basic dfi shit (racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc)
i dont need anything tagged except animal hate. examples: "i hate bugs." "cats suck." its not one of my triggers it just makes me sad
this is a friend only twitter, only request if you are my friend or want to be my friend. otherwise follow @walterstotch.
i like some shows/bands/people that are problematic. i also use slurs i can reclaim however i never use them on others. if this bothers you dont follow.
if i do/say anything wrong please dm me. i hate drama and am very direct if i have an issue with you and am a fan of talking things out
im a very nice person, however because of my autism and mental illness i may come off as cold or mean. i promise im not ;___; i also have dissociative identity disorder and can have a drastic change in personality.